Sunday 2 October 2011

Hitting the sights and the heights

On Saturday, first did a little shopping then hit the subway to visit the Royal Onatario Museum (ROM). The station was really impressive the way they'd done it out.

Very unique entrance and today was the day for all the medieval geeks to be out in force with dances, displays and weaponry. There was one particular guy that seemed to be able to play any instrument he laid his hand on. A flute like instrument, bagpipes, stings, the lot!

Particularly looked at the Native Canadian People section, very well laid out and really interesting to see all the displays.

The dinosaur section was really impressive as well. Well laid out, airy, very viewer friendly, even though some of the exhibits had few "real" bones, but on the whole a fantastic experience.

For some reason these fossils really reminded me of John Olsen drawings.

Also visited the National Inuit Museum down near the harbour. Really interesting to read about their history and their culture. The sculptures they many were really lovely and they have a great sense of graphics.

The creature Sedna was very prominent in their culture. She is the goddess of the sea and legand has it that when her hair is wild, she is unmanageable and holds back the sea creatures from man so fish etc can not be caught.

From the Inuit Museum we made our way to CN Tower to take the ride to the top. The tower is 533 metres tall and the observation deck that we were on is 342 metres above the ground. We had to wait for ages before we could go up because there was a wedding up on the glass floored section of the tower.
You really know you've made it when they start putting your name up around the place. Take a look at the sign a little above my head!!
Paul on the glass floor. One woman near us was jumping up and down on it seeing if it would break... Gladly it didn't!
The view from the top

From the Tower, we made our way to the Air Canada Centre where the hockey game between the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Detriot Red Wings was being held.

The commitment of the fans and the atmosphere was pretty special but people! stay in your seats! Three sections of 20 minutes to a game of hockey, 20 minutes between sections. Toronto lost 2-4 :-(

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